Do you want to be able to work together and understand and communicate on a different level? Are you seeking insight as to how your partner really ticks? Are you working through specific areas before you make a commitment to each other, or have made a commitment and are stuck? HorseAccord provides differentiation-based couples therapy developed by David Schnarch, combined with the EAGALA Model of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, to help individuals better understand the dynamics of their relationship. Sessions are solution focused with activities planned around the horses’ reflected behaviours in response to each individual’s presentation and the couple dynamic that emerges. Activities with the horses also provide an opportunity for the couple to practice with immediate feedback relating to new behaviours, as they explore what best works for them. Sessions are set in the beautiful outdoors and conducted by a therapy team consisting of a licensed mental health professional, a certified horse specialist, and horses. For more information on how horses can benefit couples see EAP. For further information or to book into this program, please call us or provide your email address via the “Contact Us” page and we will be sure to contact you.

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