Contact Us


Contact Us Online227 Quinns Hill Rd West
Stapylton Qld 4207

What to Wear: Comfortable light clothing suitable for outdoors, closed in shoes (joggers or boots), hat, sunscreen, and a lightweight jacket or raincoat if showers forecast.

What to Bring: Water bottle and HorseAccord Registration-Release Form.

Storms/Wet Weather: If your session needs to be re-scheduled we will contact you at least 1 hour beforehand. Please call  0411 710 780 to confirm your session if you are at all unsure.

Contact form

Please use the contact form below to get in touch with us.

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At HORSEACCORD we use the EAGALA Model of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Personal Development

Australian Counselling Association (ACA)

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
Winston Churchill